A Look Inside
By John Stonestreet
Recently, we received an encouraging report of how God used Colson Center resources to help a local pastor stand with courage. Grey Falanga is a Colson Fellow-in-Training and pastor at Walnut Street Baptist Church in Jonesboro, Arkansas. In 2020, the waves of political and social strife opened his eyes to his church’s need for greater biblical clarity. Grey knew the widespread panic captivating our society was misguided, but he needed help and clarity to articulate why.

Why is the Gospel good news? What difference does it make beyond our individual salvation? How can I engage this chaotic moment for Christ, bringing hope to the victims of bad ideas that seem to be everywhere?
God used Breakpoint and the Colson Fellows program to help Pastor Grey. It is an encouraging example of what the Colson Center has been called to do: move Christians from confusion to clarity so they can make sense of the world and live faithfully in it.
Here at the end of another fiscal year, I want to offer a glimpse of where God is leading in the coming year. By God’s grace, the Colson Center will:
  • Produce nine new Breakpoint Forums. These online events will take a deep-dive on topics like political engagement, “therapy culture,” mental health, and more—all from a Christian worldview.
  • Collaborate with The Identity Project to produce 30 new videos addressing sexuality, gender, family, and identity.
  • Create two new digital courses for the Colson Educators to empower 30,000 more teachers with the training they need to holistically shape their students.
  • Develop pilot schools in the Colson Education Collective, training them to incorporate Christian worldview education into the classroom and become hubs for training other regional schools.
  • Launch into training up to 1,700 students in the Colson Fellows program, which is over a 20% increase from this past year.
These goals won’t be reached without your help; that’s why the last few weeks of the fiscal year are critical. We feel the positive impact of every single gift at this time of year, and every dollar serves to equip parents pushing back against gender ideology, employees facing “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” policies that pressure them to compromise their convictions, teachers who don’t want to merely convey knowledge but holistically shape students according to a Christian worldview, and pastors like Grey who are leading their congregations to be agents of restoration.
Your support also helps us make vital additions to our staff. In 2023, Stefan Wilson joined the team as Director of Colson Educators. He will oversee the production of new Colson Educator training modules and the cultivation of six new regional partner schools. Bryan Bailon also joined the team as Director of the Association of Colson Fellows. His role is to facilitate ongoing connections between Fellows across the country, mobilize them in their God-given callings, and resource them to continue to learn and grow.
Stefan Wilson,
Director of Colson Educators
Bryan Bailon, Director of the Association of Colson Fellows
“These goals won’t be reached without your help; that’s why the last few weeks of the fiscal year are critical.”
Your generosity makes such a difference:
  • Cover the cost for a church leader to go through the Colson Fellows program ($900) so they can launch and lead a Church Affiliate in their local congregation.
  • Fund the training and resourcing of new regional schools in the Colson Education Collective that become hubs for training other regional schools in Christian worldview education.
  • Help us produce 12 more What Would You Say? videos responding to questions about Scripture, church, science, abortion, sexuality, politics, and more.
In a culture of confusion, truth matters. That’s why we don’t simply produce content. We provide clarity on the hardest questions of the day. Christians need biblical clarity in this chaotic world. We praise God for the parents, teachers, ministers, and more who are showing up, asking for the clarity, confidence, and courage to be faithful where God has placed them and love the people in their lives.
“...we don’t simply produce content. We provide clarity on the hardest questions of the day.”
Time is of the essence. As you look at the ways we believe God is guiding us in this next year, would you help us make these projects a reality by donating by June 30? Time and again, I’ve seen your support make the difference between goals planned and goals accomplished.
Thank you for walking with us and for playing a crucial role in helping to bring clarity to a chaotic world.
John Stonestreet