Colson Media

Reimagining What Would You Say?

Have you ever been in a conversation with a friend or family member and been so stumped by a question that you did not know how to proceed? The landscape on issues of sexuality, gender, Critical Theory, and politics (to name a few) changes at a rapid-fire pace. If you’ve sensed that the world is moving faster than you can keep up with, you’re not alone. To equip Christians with a faith that is prepared for the questions our kids, students, coworkers, and family members are asking, the Colson Center launched the What Would You Say? video series. Each five-minute video provides a clear, concise response grounded in a Christian worldview to questions on sexuality, apologetics, science, history, politics, entertainment, and more. In 2023, several new videos have been added to the What Would You Say? library, including ...
  • Is the Bible Still Relevant?
  • Is Cohabitation Good for Relationships?
  • Are Humans and Chimpanzees Basically the Same?
  • Is Sex Assigned at Birth?
  • And more!
By offering answers to questions that are being asked right now, we aim to help believers speak clearly, boldly, and graciously. Look for new videos releasing every month and study guides for use in churches, youth groups, and schools. We hope you’ll join our team in praying that God would raise a generation of Christians fully equipped to speak the truth in love.